Russian experts getting to know the Finnish early childhood education


Russian day care experts were interested in the pre-school materials in English Playschool, Jyväskylä.

This week I had a privilege to host a group of Russian day care experts in Jyväskylä, Finland. The visit was organized in co-operation with Management Institute of Finland (MIF). The Russian visitors were here to learn more about Finnish early childhood education and leadership in Finnish day care. We had a change to visit two excellent day care centers in Jyväskylä. Thank you Päivärinne day care center and English Playschool for the informative and hospitable visits!

The Russian visitors discovered many similarities between Finnish and Russian day care. What impressed guests the most in the Finnish early childhood education was the child-centered approach to day care and the close interaction between kindergarten teachers and children. The visitors also admired the role of crafts and art in the Finnish day care.

But there isn’t an international visit without the opportunity to learn from the visitors as well. It was really interesting to find out that the parents in Russia are involved in the management of the day care centres. The participation of the local citizens in municipal development is a big topic at the moment in Finland. It might be worthwhile to explore the practices used in other countries as well.

I now know, where Kemerovo, Penza and Tosno are located. And I’m grateful for the invitation to visit these interesting cities :)!