INEPS Congress next Spring 2016 – Bright Education for All!


Learning Scoop proudly presents

The Bright Education for All Congress: activating and practical methods throughout the learning path will be taking place in Tampere from April 26th to 29th, 2016.

The congress will provide a forum for introducing various learner-centered, work-based and activating methods for promoting learning and preventing exclusion.

The congress will showcase the entire activating learning path to both national and international participants. The objective is to give an overall picture of how learner-centric and activating pedagogy is achieved in practice at different levels of the learning path.



The program consists of parallel sessions of expert presentations and workshops as well as visits to Finnish learning institutions. The purpose of the congress is to create an interactive experience where every participant can inspire and be inspired.

The Learning Scoop Cooperative is organizing the congress, in partnership with the International Network of Productive Schools and Projects (INEPS network,

You can find us and a lot of handy information regarding congress on Facebook. More information, registration and useful links also available on congress venue site.

Warmly welcome!