Early Childhood Education and Care Study Tour takeaways

Last week provided rays of sunlight and many insights into Early childhood education and care. β˜€οΈ
Our lovely guests from Pakistan enjoyed five different visits to daycare centers and schools. What were the key early childhood education and care takeways to implement back home?
πŸ’š More time to be spent outdoors daily
πŸ’š More free play
πŸ’š More pictures and visuals to be used indoors
πŸ’š No workbooks anymore for children under 5 years old
Thank you so much for the great discussions and collaboration throughout the week, our experts and trainers enjoyed a lot! πŸ™ Learning from our visitors around the world is so rewarding!

“The study tour was an amazing experience! All the hosts were great- highly qualified and experienced- and learning was multiplied because of the time we spent with them, especially during the lunch hour. They were open to all kinds of queries. The schools were carefully chosen and each one provided us with a different experience. Through on-field observations, we were better able to understand the pedagogy at work. I was impressed by the way the study tour was organized and I believe I learnt from it as much as from the actual content of the tour.
We brought back with us everlasting memories of a beautiful country and the amazing people who live in it. I wish Learning Scoop and its team all the best in its journey of sharing knowledge. May you grow and thrive in all your endeavors. Hoping to stay in touch. Wishing you success always.”

What do you think about the early childhood education and care takeaways?

The schedule for next Early Childhood Education and Care Study Tours by Learning Scoop is available here.
