We made it together – iso kiitos!

Iso kiitos kaikille Bright Education for All! INEPS-kongressin  osallistujille Tampereella – saimme vieraita kaikkiaan 11 eri maasta!  Kongressi onnistui erinomaisesti ja palaute on ollut huikean hyvää. Kiitos yhteistyökumppaneillemme, vapaaehtoisille avustajille, puhujille, workshoppien pitäjille sekä tietysti upealle osallistujajoukolle – ilman teitä kongressi ei olisi ollut yhtä onnistunut! Ilo palvella teitä nyt ja jatkossa 🙂

Thank you Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, India, USA, Brasil, Finland for making this congress such a unique experience!

On behalf of Congress Organising Committee we at Learning Scoop would like to thank each and every one of you for participation, active contribution and great atmosphere during the INEPS Congress 2016 in Tampere, Finland.

We would also like to thank INEPS organization, our partners HAMK, CCE and City of Tampere , our lovely volunteers and all the local schools for providing Study Visit possibility. Thank you City of Tampere for supporting our Congress by believing us and sending 20 teachers to learn and develop themselves with us! Since running business here in Tampere, Finland we have felt that this is good place to offer educational services and the nice surroundings offer convenient and easily reachable locations also for our intenrational customers. We hope that Finland the Funland has treated you well. You as future educators and profeccionals of learning are the key players to adobt and implement new ways of doing. Keep up the good work and don´t give up! It is worth taking the extra mile as it is never too crowded 🙂

This is the feeling we share also at the moment when thinking about time together with you. Greetings from sunny and green Finland!

I wish I was in Finland_eeronissinen

Pic by @eeronissinen, I wish I was in Finland


Team Learning Scoop. Pic by Elias Lahtinen, @Tampere City Hall