
New themed study tours for 2018!

Based on customer feedback we have designed 2 new educational Study Tours for 2018 to meet the specific needs of our wonderful customers. Principal Study Tour Our one-week Principal Study Tour program gives visitors an overview of the Finnish education system and role of pedagogical leadership. Themed Study Tour introduces

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Interviewing Finland’s Education Minister

Headmaster Kenneth Vella recently visited schools in Tampere, Finland, a country which has made huge progress in education over the past few years. There, he interviewed the country’s Minister of Education and Culture, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. Times of Malta published this interview few days ago, read here! “Learning to learn, being

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10 day experience in Bolivia just around the corner

Team Learning Scoop Experts Elina Harju, Ellimaija Ahonen and Jukka Miettunen is very excited and looking forward to a journey to Santa Cruz in Bolivia. The daily newspaper El Dia wrote about the upcoming tour and possibilities for exchanging knowledge and practices between countries. Find out more about the comference

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Learning Scoop – an official member of Education Finland

Education Finland is a national education export program, offering Finnish educational know-how and learning solutions globally. Education Finland is a part of Finnish National Agency for Education and works within the Team Finland network. Learning Scoop is happy to be part of this great network of opportunities. Education Finland’s overarching goal is to open

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It´s feedback time!

It is wonderful to get some feedback, reflections and comments from our customers. That is the only way we can improve our service and meet the needs of the world. “The General Education Study Tour was a profound, professional learning adventure. Thank you!”     Thank you so much for

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Reading tips

Are you curious to know how The New National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland looks like or what kind of principles The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care contains? Now you have a chance to order eBooks or books issued by National Board of Education

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