
These are the days

July means holiday month in Finland. Like we tend to say “the whole country is closed“. Kids are enjoying the longest as schools are closed for over 2 months in a row. Time to recharge the batteries and relax the way one feels most convenient for him or her. We

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School Camps and Collaboration with TAKK

Learning Scoop is proud to announce the co-operation with Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK in arranging Finnish Educational School Camps in Tampere region. TAKK is organizing four different theme camps for young people: 1) Adventure Activities in the Wild, 2) Science, Technology and Sustainability, 3) Wilderness skills and Adventure and

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Less is More in Finnish education

Finnish education is famous for its “Less is More” principle. In Finland pupils have less schooldays a year, less lessons in a school day, spend less hours at school, get far less homework (but they do get some, don’t belive the staggering headlines!) etc. than pupils in most other countries.

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Sustainability is the new Black

Sustainable Development Goals – does it ring a bell? If you’re a development worker, campaigner or a hard-core follower of international affairs this might not be news to you. Most of the world hasn’t got a clue. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seem like a continuation of the United Nations Millennium

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Give back this Christmas!

Education gives children information and skills and improves the income of families. An educated child is likely as an adult to ensure that their own children receive an education. In our work, we improve day care centres, schools, teaching material and the quality of teaching and early childhood education. We

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The focus needs to be on kids – always

I had a chance to spend some full but fruitful days in New York and New Jersey are in USA few weeks ago. Visiting many private schools, universities and institutions gave more understanding of current situation and challenges schools, principals and teachers are facing in USA. I also had an

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