
Facts and findings about Special classes

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  This time he reflects facts and

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Less is more – a point of view from USA

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  He wanted to learn from Finnish

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Thank you Kingdom of Bahrain for Educational visit in Finland

In cooperation with Council for Creative Education a delegation from Kingdom of Bahrain visited Finland last week. Hands on experience of various creative methods and activities as an actual Finnish classroom through workshops. Learning Scoop´s expertise covered also topic as Vocational excellence – How to achieve in sustained manner?    Thank you everyone

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How we work?

Do you want to hear more about us and about some basic ideas which funcion as driving force? Scooping The basic idea behind Learning Scoop’s business is simple. The aim is to scoop up the best practices in Finnish education and refine them to serve the needs of international clients.

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What´s up in education?

For last few weeks there has been many interesting posts and articles on air about Finnish education. Are you empowering people to use their imagination in daily life? The Guardian points out that we spend our childhoods being taught the artificial skill of passing exams. Read more here “Everyone is

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Study Tour in August

Are you curious to explore the factors behind Finland´s exceptional PISA results? Yearly, there are more and more group of international visitors that are interested in discovering more about Finland´s education system and the factors influencing its success. Learning Scoop provides an inclusive study tour, where participants have the opportunity

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Warm thank you – we made it together!

Thank you Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, India, USA, Brasil, Finland for making this congress such a unique experience! On behalf of Congress Organising Committee we at Learning Scoop would like to thank each and every one of you for participation, active contribution and great atmosphere

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Underlying Phenomena of Productive Learning

Today, “teach doesn`t touch” has become a political refrain for teachers. In many schools, teachers teach their student’s heads but don’t touch their hearts. In Productive Learning, the situation is quite opposite, where “to teach” means “to touch”. Teachers touch pedagogically their students as such, with his or her being

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Apprenticeship Training – What a great idea!

Work as learning environment of a young student Apprenticeship training is the most cost effective way to organize vocational training. For students it is very often motivating to learn through practical activities at real life situations.  For employers it is a good way to train new employees or to improve skills and competences of the staff. In Finland apprenticeship training has been until the recent years mainly adult education. It is widely recognized that all vocational training should be organized in close cooperation with the world of work. Still in our country most of the young students choose the vocational education in institutions. Compared to their older peers, young students also have partly different needs. Those should be recognized in order to provide education that benefits all parties.  We invite you to our workshop, which will consist of short introduction of apprenticeship training of young people in Finland• needs of a young student and how to support him/her on the learning path • how to coach the mentors  work sites We are eager to hear your point of view. How could we improve learning at work? Petri Hänninen and Päivi Kalliokoski (Omnia) and Jorma Käyhkö (Keuda) will light up the possibilities around apprenticeship in INEPS Congress on Wednesday April 27th at 11

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Doormats and glass ceilings of participation

Participation has become a common term to describe the position of the children and the young in society and in schools. The perspective of children’s rights, the new sociology of childhood and user-centered service ideologies among other perspectives contribute to the frequent use of the term. The concept of participation

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Feel All Bright in Dark Café!

Tampere University of Applied Sciences welcomes all to have a cup of coffee in Dark Café on Wednesday April 27th from 1:30pm-3pm. The Dark Café will be created aside the INEPS Congress and run together with Association of young people with visual impairment and students of wellbeing and social studies.

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Competence is the Key

On Thursday April 28th Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Irmeli Lignell and it is themed “The Higher education and new guidance methods in HAMK (Häme University of Applied Sciences”. What´s in it for me? In this workshop you will get information about the

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