

Facts About Finnish Education

Finnish education is famous for its excellent learning outcomes and child-centered, stress-free approach. But what else do you know about the Education in Finland? We gathered some Facts about Finnish Education. Did you know all this 😊? Every child in Finland has a subjective right to attend early childhood education and

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Meet Our Partner: Towa Overseas Study Center – “Go Study” empowers future leaders

Towa Overseas Study Center, the visionary behind the “Go Study” initiative, firmly believes that school visits in a foreign country will inspire and offer professionals in the education field (whether teachers, principals or administrators) a different perspective on best practices around the world, fostering educational development and pedagogical leadership. The

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Piloting extended pre-primary education in Finland: Striving for improved opportunities and decreased marginalization

Finnish pre-primary education is a bridge between non-compulsory early childhood education and compulsory primary education. Prior to 2015, free pre-primary education was the right of every child, and average enrolment rate was ninety-eight percent. In 2015 pre-primary education became not only the right but also the duty. Currently, pre-primary education

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