Innovations from Finland: The world´s first mobile experimental container TEKLA

The world’s first mobile experimental container TEKLA brings the latest learning innovations to students and teachers. In the Finnish capital Helsinki, a completely new learning space has been developed: the mobile experimental container TEKLA. Learners and teachers can participate in interesting workshops where new learning technologies are being tested. The recently completed experimental container TEKLA meets…

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Finnish Technology Frontier and Innovations in Education

Last week we welcomed a group of 17 participants from the Education University of Hong Kong. The group included pre-service teachers (Bachelor of Education – Secondary ICT) to learn more about STEAM and Ed Tech in Finnish education as part of their Finnish Technology Frontier and Innovations in Education. Study Tour included a lecture “Introduction…

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No school or teacher inspections in Finland!

As striking it may appear, Finland doesn’t have any school inspections or teacher inspection of any form. Quality assurance in Finnish education is based on steering, collaboration and process evaluation instead of controlling. Steering is done through information, support and funding. The system relies on the proficiency and conscientiousness of teachers and other personnel. Local…

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Promoting Outdoor Education in Poland

How is Outdoor education in Poland? Last week we attended Vivelo Fair in Warsaw, Poland. One of the themes of the Fair was Finland. We were invited as a keynote speaker with a topic Ourdoor Education in Finland. Full house learning Finnish best practices and getting a glimpse what kind of innovations around education outside…

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Our book and application launched in Romanian!

Greetings from Romania! Our CEO Ellimaija Ahonen and Pedagogical Director Johanna Järvinen-Taubert have spent last three days in the beautiful city of Sibiu which totally stole our hearts! In 2021, we shared good news with our network: we had written a book called Finnish Education in Practice: What, Why and How. Yesterday, it was time…

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What Principals can learn from Finnish education? And vice versa

We are happy to share a great summary by one of the Principal Study Tour in Finland participants, Principal Shanthan Naidu from Orakei School. He attended our program in Tampere in April together with other 18 experts from New Zealand and Australia. “I have recently returned from a principal leadership tour in Finland! Embracing their…

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Students are risk takers, let them explore!

What a wonderful group by Tours for Teachers we had last week! Teachers, educators and principals from Australia were really active and made some great reflection of the similarities and differences between these two education systems and approaches. Thank you everyone for a memorable week together exploring Finnish Education, we enjoyed every minute with you!…

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Principals in Finland

In March we had principals in Finland, a bunch of wonderful visitors from US and Thailand – such an active and enthusiastic group and it was our joy to exchange ideas and experiences with you during the Principal Study Tour! We are happy to share some insights by the US cohort Chaminade College Preparatory: “The…

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