STEAM in Education – A hot topic globally

STEAM, which means Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics is a rising star if we are talking about trends in education. BETT Show held in London every January, the largest event in the world in learning technology, is typically full of STEAM related material and boots. In a certain STEAM village area many service providers…

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The Scoop on Finland

It is our pure delight to share this fantastic blog done by two Principal Study Tour participants during last week´s study tour.  The aim was to explore the aspects of school administration including pedagogical leadership and a learner-centered approach, school finance and human resources, collaboration with stakeholders, counseling and student welfare services,  system thinking, and sustainability.…

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Making impact on education – a Kiwi case

Few weeks ago we got excellent news: four talented teachers – Ali Levitt, Jules Dallas, Rosey D’Anvers and Moira Clews – from Belmont Primary School, New Zealand, hold a presentation on Finnish education in a national uLearn18 conference in Rotorua, New Zealand. The workshop was a huge success: 200 teachers came to hear the story…

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Teachers look in-depth at Finnish education system

Our customers know it best! “Collaboration instead of competition” and “learning is for life” were recurrent themes mentioned during a week-long study tour in Tampere, Finland. The Finns do not believe in teaching for a test. How to follow student´s natural path of development? For example this kind of findings were done during a study…

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Green Trail Nature Experience – Let the Finnish nature surprise you!

Our home town Tampere is situated between two big lakes, Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi, which makes the location just perfect. The city itself is a great master piece of Mother Nature. Recreational activities, tranquil coves for swimming, places for barbequing, playgrounds and nature trails are just stone´s throw away from city center.  While in Tampere why not…

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We enable meaningful learning

Basic Education (K-9) Study Tour and Principal Study Tour kicked off the Autumn semester 2018. Team Learning Scoop had the privilege to encounter enthusiastic and skilled educators from Abu Dhabi, Australia, Malta, New Zealand and USA. Basic Education group focused on getting to know cornerstones of Finnish education: Finnish Education system and training routes, Curriculum and…

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Forest – promoting well-being of children and adults

Nature, particularly the forest, is an important part of the early childhood education environment. The forest promotes overall well-being in both adults and children. The mind becomes peaceful and relaxes in the forest, and heart rate, blood pressure and stress are reduced. Studies indicate that positive effects occur already within 15 minutes of being in…

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Shared passion – the best passion

Last week we were privileged to have Basic Education (K-9) Study Tour participants in Finland with us to explore the miracle around Finnish education success story. All the talented teachers and educators were passionate about developing their school communities, every day lessons and themselves as teachers. Many of them were interested in PBL: Project Based…

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