SPARK Ignites Finland

Finland. As a word, and as a nation, it has become synonymous with innovative education and non-traditional teaching practice. What better place to visit when designing a blended learning high school model? SPARK Schools is a growing network of affordable schools in South Africa with a vision to lead global education. Making use of a…

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Survey reveals teachers’ challenges and suggestions

Last month Team Learning Scoop had a great chance to participate International Edu Conference in Malta.  While being in Malta our experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla conducted an online survey about challenges facing teachers in their daily work. This great article is written by Mr. Kenneth Vella, Headmaster of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School…

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Non scholae sed vitae

All learning starts from the students. As teachers, it’s necessary for us to know how to maximize learning in school. For that we need the knowledge of different learning styles, teaching methods and learning environments. Studies show that students learn better when they enjoy their time at school. Friendly, trustful and open-minded atmosphere leads to…

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Full STEAM ahead!

As You may know Finnish teacher education produces two different kind of teachers for the basic education. Subject teachers mostly work at lower secondary schools teaching students aged 13-16 year old and class teachers who teach at primary schools where students are 7-12 years old. Both have Master´s degree and are experts on their own…

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Study Tours – connecting people

Study Tour offers a clear picture of Finnish school system, curriculum and teaching methods in real action. I’ve found three terms to describe this experience; professional, organized and honest. Professionality appears in the way these tours are held. All the trainers and hosts are clearly highly educated and well prepared. I liked the way how…

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Teachers are teachers no matter where you go

I have been a class teacher for 18 years, worked with teachers in Finland and abroad and for last five years I have also trained both Finnish and foreign teachers. This was my first time in Malta, where we had workshops on Finnish Education.  A new country is always a new one. You can never…

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Malta calling!

Learning Scoop experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla are heading to Malta to held workshops for Maltese educators there. Regarding to that they were asked to provide some background information for Maltese media. Here are some of their answers: 1. What is the secret of the success in Finnish education? It is a combination of…

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Customers from 35 different countries

Quite often we´ve been asked which countries are your target markets. It is pretty hard to answer; some months you are dealing a lot with customers and potential leads from USA, next month South East Asia is a hot topic on the map. And they all are very important to us. This far we have…

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Designing quality lessons

When we have visitors visiting Finnish classes they are very interested in the way lessons are carried out in Finland. Some visitors recognize modern pedagogical practices, while the others tell us that Finnish teaching is very different from what is the practice in their own countries. The classes we visit are also often very different…

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