Pedagogical Leadership – Empowering School Community

Lapland International Forum for Education – LIFE 2017 – will be organised in January 18-21th 2017 in Rovaniemi, Finland. During the event you have a change to participate a free workshop by Learning Scoop. If you are eager to find answers to questions below, you are in a right place! What is pedagogical leadership and…

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Give back this Christmas!

Education gives children information and skills and improves the income of families. An educated child is likely as an adult to ensure that their own children receive an education. In our work, we improve day care centres, schools, teaching material and the quality of teaching and early childhood education. We help the most vulnerable access…

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School and the working life

“No man is an island.” We all belong to our local communities and to the global community as well. We at Learning Scoop try to regularly exercise our social responsibility and give our input for developing our own community as well as contributing to the global development. As an example of this I recently took…

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The week in Jihlava – Inclusive Vocational Education and Training

  In the beginning of November me and my colleague Outi Rantanen from Tamk took part to Erasmus+ workshop-week in Jihlava as a experts from Tampere University of Apply Sciences (Tamk). It was the first meeting of the project called CSTEPS. The project is focused on I-VET (Inclusive Vocational Education and Training) learners with special…

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The Success of Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care

  We have high-quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Finland. The Finnish ECEC is based on the educare model: an integration of care, education and teaching. The objectives, principals and contents for ECEC are guided by the National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC. This document is a recommedation for the municipalities i.e. the service…

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The Chinese Case in Guangzhou

I had a possibility to deliver a principal training in Guangzhou, China, two weeks ago. Training sessions in three different universities were part of principal´s continue studies in Guangzhou area and me and my colleague Reijo Jouttimäki represented Tampere University of Applied Sciences as specialists in principal training. In every three universities we had a…

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Learning Scoop in collaboration with Personal Learning Environment

Ease of use and the joy of accomplishment! Learning Scoop is happy to announce partnership with personal learning platform. offers tools for educational institutions and teachers.   Portal is a platform for collecting and distributing materials, maintained by the teacher or other admin and used by the learner. is a suitable platform for web-based…

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The focus needs to be on kids – always

I had a chance to spend some full but fruitful days in New York and New Jersey are in USA few weeks ago. Visiting many private schools, universities and institutions gave more understanding of current situation and challenges schools, principals and teachers are facing in USA. I also had an opportunity to meet Managing Director…

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Inspiring company and inner motivation

I have had a great pleasure to meet this week fine, fine young adults. First I held a workshop about Finnish Education System and Entrepreneurship Education with the group of South-African entrepreneurs. I must say that South-African future is in good hands if people like these are given possibility. Such good questions, great discussion and fine…

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Researching Finland – from book to practice

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  This time he reflects how he got fascinated about Finland and…

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