Study Tour Finland: How much testing is really needed?

What a fine and international Study Tour we had last week! We at Learning Scoop team learned so much ourselves again, too. One very interesting talk we had was about evaluation and assessment. Our participant from USA started to think aloud, how much time it takes to have test after every chapter. Teachers in USA…

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Finnish preschool children learn through play and joy

My 6-year-old son started preschool this fall. In fact, he would have preferred to skip the summer vacation, because he had so much fun at the preschool orientation evening in May. In Finland pre-primary education became compulsory in August 2015. However, about 96 % of six-year-olds attended already when pre-primary education was voluntary. In Finland…

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Empowered by nature and art

Finnish summer is short and intensive. We enjoy of it fully. What a power sun, warm and light have! Only people who have longed for it can really appreciate it. We fill us up with summer. Nature is always near in Finland. One can easily find a lake shore or forest. We have fresh air…

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Education Export – Mission Impossible?

Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favorite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…

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The Finnish education system – equal opportunities for all

  I spent the holiday with my family at my parents’ on Haapasaari island. Haapasaari is a small island in the Eastern Gulf of Finland on the Russian border. It is located about 23 kilometers southeast from the mainland and it is the last passport checkpoint before Russia.     During our visit we went…

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This is not a blog

There is nothing to tell about Finland in July. We used to say that whole country is closed. Almost everybody has his or her vacation in July. Fortunately there is always somebody somewhere who is still interested in this almost word´s northernmost country.  In British newspaper “The Independent” they ranked the countries according the highest…

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After some days in Finland, normally about 3 days, we start to talk with foreign teachers and education developers about TRUST. Trust is built in our systems. It is very important part of our culture. We trust our children, teachers and principals. Teachers trust their students and students their teachers. Principal trusts and respects his/her teacher…

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How we work?

Do you want to hear more about us and about some basic ideas which funcion as driving force? Scooping The basic idea behind Learning Scoop’s business is simple. The aim is to scoop up the best practices in Finnish education and refine them to serve the needs of international clients. The company also looks for…

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The Miracle of Finnish Education – how do we do it?

Our pride and joy – Teacher Academy Finland (TAF) – is ready to reveal the secret of the Finnish Education. The curriculum of TAF is just finished and we are excited about it! The aim of Teacher Academy Finland is to showcase the principles behind the educational system and basic education in Finland. In order…

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Teacher Academy Finland

“You truly educate your children for life and yet get excellent results” said a bunch of Chinese teachers looking at me with their eyes sparkling. They had visited several Finnish schools and learned the principles behind Finnish education system – and they were deeply impressed. We didn’t understand what jewel we have in the Finnish…

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