Leading Learning and Croatian researchers in Finland

This week we had a group of enthusiastic professionals from Crotia getting deeper insight into Finnish Education System and pedagogical leadership. The work of principal was in focus when we visited and interviewed people in charge of day care center, basic education schools, high schools and vocational schools. The commitment of our leaders and (once…

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What´s up in education?

For last few weeks there has been many interesting posts and articles on air about Finnish education. Are you empowering people to use their imagination in daily life? The Guardian points out that we spend our childhoods being taught the artificial skill of passing exams. Read more here “Everyone is born creative, but it is…

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Study Tour in August

Are you curious to explore the factors behind Finland´s exceptional PISA results? Yearly, there are more and more group of international visitors that are interested in discovering more about Finland´s education system and the factors influencing its success. Learning Scoop provides an inclusive study tour, where participants have the opportunity to become familiar with the…

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Pro Activity and Change Management – thank you Belgium!

We had a group of professional adult educators from Belgium last week. Finland showed its best as sun was shining and premises at Tampere University were easily accessible. The Change Management Program for experts from KISP  allowed customers and us to know more about pro activity of Tampere University of Applied Science, what leaning forward…

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Warm thank you – we made it together!

Thank you Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, India, USA, Brasil, Finland for making this congress such a unique experience! On behalf of Congress Organising Committee we at Learning Scoop would like to thank each and every one of you for participation, active contribution and great atmosphere during the INEPS Congress 2016…

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Productive Learning (PL) for Newcomers

Productive Learning is an educational form that combines learning in school and learning at self-chosen practice sites. It was inspired by the City-As-School New York and developed in the framework of a developmental project with partners from ten countries starting in the 1990th.  In Germany the model is used in about 100 schools in seven…

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Spinning Ideas in Activate Learning

As Vocational Brazilian Teachers members of the 3rd edition of the Vocational Education Training Program (VET) at Tampere Applied Sciences University (TAMK) we bring our cultural and background knowledge to share and learn more from this workshop participant. Therefore, this workshop will draw on our recent activate learning experiences at TAMK and throw some practical…

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Underlying Phenomena of Productive Learning

Today, “teach doesn`t touch” has become a political refrain for teachers. In many schools, teachers teach their student’s heads but don’t touch their hearts. In Productive Learning, the situation is quite opposite, where “to teach” means “to touch”. Teachers touch pedagogically their students as such, with his or her being and mind, and teach them…

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Tools for promoting psychosocial skills in education

Psychosocial skills are the ability of a person to answer with efficiency daily life demands and trials. The psychosocial skills have an important role in promoting health, physical, mental and social wellness. Psychosocial skills allow us to interact with, perceive, influence and relate to others. Researches have confirmed the interest to reinforce psychosocial skills to…

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