Team learning (TBL) in the upper secondary school – focus changes from teaching to learning

Team-Based Learning implementation is based on four underlying principles (Michaelsen & Richards 2005): •Groups should be properly formed (e.g. Intellectual talent should be equally distributed among the groups). These teams are fixed for the whole course. •Students are accountable for their pre-learning and for working in teams. •Team assignments must promote both learning and team…

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Everybody can succeed – Flexible Basic Education in Finland

Examples and experiences will be displayed at INEPS Congress on Thursday April 28th at 1 pm by Kari Rajaorko, Haaga School, Helsinki and Juha Lahtinen, Learning Scoop. Flexible basic education activities are part of grades 7–9 basic education. It is designed to match the objectives and contents of the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education.…

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GuildShools – co-operation between VET-schools all over the country

GuildShools, VET-pedagogy using social media and media devices Learn more about pedagogical use of mobile and media devices. This Bright Education for All! INEPS Congress workshop will focus on – how can I save and publish own photo/video – using blogs as skills growth document – using social media group leading, supporting professional identity, as marketing tool…

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Find out more about Productive Learning, Youth work and drug prevention in Greece during INEPS congress workshop held on Thursday April 28th at 1 pm. What is PLOUTOS in short? Pedagogical Learning trough the Operation and Urging of Teams for Overcoming Social exclusion In the frame of the program “WE AR ALL CITIZENS-EEA grants”, the…

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Apprenticeship Training – What a great idea!

Work as learning environment of a young student Apprenticeship training is the most cost effective way to organize vocational training. For students it is very often motivating to learn through practical activities at real life situations.  For employers it is a good way to train new employees or to improve skills and competences of the staff. In Finland apprenticeship training has been until the recent years mainly adult education. It is widely recognized that all vocational training should be organized in close cooperation with the world of work. Still in our country most of the young students choose the vocational education in institutions. Compared to their older peers, young students also have partly different needs. Those should be recognized in order to provide education that benefits all parties.  We invite you to our workshop, which will consist of short introduction of apprenticeship training of young people in Finland• needs of a young student and how to support him/her on the learning path • how to coach the mentors  work sites We are eager to hear your point of view. How could we improve learning at work? Petri Hänninen and Päivi Kalliokoski (Omnia) and Jorma Käyhkö (Keuda) will light up the possibilities around apprenticeship in INEPS Congress on Wednesday April 27th at 11 am.

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Productive Learning in vocational education

Hear about the challenges and interim results of the Erasmus+ project PROVED introduced by Heike Borkenhagen PROVED (“Productive Learning in Vocational Education”) is a two years Erasmus+ project which is performed in Finland, Germany, Greece and Lithuania. The project’s aim is the transfer of Productive Learning from the field of general education to the field…

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Education and Sustainability

“Education and sustainability” themed Key Note takes place on Thursday 28th of April at 4:15 pm What kind of goals do we need for education in the era of the Anthropocene? The importance of critical thinking has increased because we are more responsible for future generations than ever before in the human history. Our behaviour…

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Promoting Learning – the Finnish Way

In the “Promoting Learning – the Finnish way” INEPS Congress workshop run by Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert, Learning Scoop we discuss about the basic ideas and structures of the Finnish education. Is it true that there are no dead ends, but one can always carry on, no matter what choices he has made earlier?…

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With same tools: School´s homepages and electronical books

On Wednesday April 27th at 11 am Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Jouko Jokinen, is a unique Finnish Learning Environment The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER), project manager Jouko Jokinen Tools: It would be good if the participants had tablet or mobile of their own with…

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Proakatemia – higher education of the future: team work, learning by doing and entrepreneurial attitude

Employers expect their new hires to have teamwork experience and skills, to be independent, capable of self‐initiative and to have an entrepreneurial mindset. These are the requirements that many young graduates face when they attempt to break in to the working life after finishing their studies. Proakatemia in Tampere University of Applied Sciences is an…

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