Doormats and glass ceilings of participation

Participation has become a common term to describe the position of the children and the young in society and in schools. The perspective of children’s rights, the new sociology of childhood and user-centered service ideologies among other perspectives contribute to the frequent use of the term. The concept of participation has also been integrated into…

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Open Space Activity

What is Open Space method? It is a self-organizing practice of inner discipline and collective activity which releases the inherent creativity and leadership in people. By inviting people to take responsibility for what they care about, Open Space establishes a marketplace of inquiry, reflection and learning, bringing out the best in both individuals and the…

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Study Visits – Bring on flexibility!

Flexibility is one of the core words of Finnish education. At the Study Visits during Bright Education for All INEPS Congress you will have great possibility to see what it means in practice. To ensure flexible start with formal learning, early childhood education, pre-primary and primary school, people need to work together like in Tampere…

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Feel All Bright in Dark Café!

Tampere University of Applied Sciences welcomes all to have a cup of coffee in Dark Café on Wednesday April 27th from 1:30pm-3pm. The Dark Café will be created aside the INEPS Congress and run together with Association of young people with visual impairment and students of wellbeing and social studies. The Dark Café will be…

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To care, educate and council

On Thursday April 28th at 1 pm Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Simo Uusinoka and it is themed “To care, educate and council” (Häme University of Applied Sciences). What is it all about? Inclusive vocational school is something we try to promote in Finnish education system. This means…

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Competence is the Key

On Thursday April 28th Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Irmeli Lignell and it is themed “The Higher education and new guidance methods in HAMK (Häme University of Applied Sciences”. What´s in it for me? In this workshop you will get information about the students with most difficulties in…

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What is Productive Learning?

As Productive Learning will be part of Bright Education for All! – INEPS Congress program in Tampere on 26-29th of April, it is worth getting some pre-knowledge about it. There will be interesting show cases and presentations how Productive Learning is implemented in The Netherlands, Lithuania, Greece and Globally. Productive Learning is learning on the basis of productive activity in social “serious situations”, learning on the basis of experience,  of being able to achieve something important, both for oneself and one’s environment. The traditional school…

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INEPS Congress next Spring 2016 – Bright Education for All!

The Bright Education for All Congress: activating and practical methods throughout the learning path will be taking place in Tampere from April 26th to 29th, 2016. The congress will provide a forum for introducing various learner-centered, work-based and activating methods for promoting learning and preventing exclusion. The congress will showcase the entire activating learning path…

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