Basic Education Study Tour kicking off the season

We kicked off the Autumn season with a Basic Education (K-9) Study Tour last week. This time the group consisted of educators from US and Malta. The program gave visitors an overall view on Finnish basic (K-9) education and it’s core principles. Finnish basic education is based on stress-free “less is more” approach and our…

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Education Outside Classroom – The secret ingredient of Finnish education excellence

Education outside classroom (EOC) is often characterized by curriculum-based educational activities practiced outside the school buildings, in natural (e.g., a park or forest) or cultural (e.g., a museum or library) settings. EOC includes for example versatile field trips, visits to museums, and various ways of outdoor learning. In addition, EOC is often considered as ‘experiential’…

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Edufication and Learning Scoop join forces to export Finnish expertise on developing the education sector

Edufication, a service created in South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, and Tampere-based Learning Scoop have agreed on cooperating in producing and publishing educational material. Learning Scoop offers Study Tours, seminars, and training programmes for educators around the globe. The coronavirus pandemic caused a stall in educational travel in Finland. One solution to the problem…

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Social-Emotional Learning – Demystifying SEL

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) to the forefront of discussion and practice in education. While the world is striving to get back to normalcy, our partner organization Redbricks School in India realized that all of us (children and adults both) need to be equipped with the internal strength and emotional intelligence to…

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Online PD Program for Early Childhood Educators

Would you like to upgrade your professional skills in early childhood education with top-notch ideas and models? Are you interested to take part in a top-class professional development program for early childhood educators? Let us introduce you a PD program for kindergarten teachers! Finnish early childhood education (ECE) is known to promote children’s balanced growth,…

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OTTER – promoting science education and outdoor learning

Studying science at school – is it exploring, making new discoveries, and having an impact? When teaching STEM subjects, are we helping students to understand and solve the wicked problems of our time? Is science education promoting sustainable development and joy of learning? These are among the questions OTTER, an EU-funded project part of Horizon…

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Lifelong learning in Finland

Finland is known for its high quality education system and especially for its successful basic education. What is far less generally known, is the strong Finnish adult education and versatile opportunities for lifelong learning in Finland. Finnish education policy makes it easy to be a lifelong learner. There are no “dead-ends” in Finnish education system…

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What will you see when visiting a Finnish school with Learning Scoop?

What does a typical school day in a school in Finland look like? Have you dreamed of visiting a Finnish school? We hope that this video gives you glimpses of the school day activities, learning environments, importance of physical activity, teacher collaboration and joy of learning. Join along and welcome to Finland to experience it…

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The Finnish Teacher: Podcast interview by TeachPitch

“The data keep on piling up that there is something about Finland and Education”. We had an honor to be part of The TeachPitch Podcast series. Our Pedagogical Director Johanna Järvinen-Taubert is sharing insight to the cornerstones of Finnish education, child-centered pedagogy and ways to reach our ultimate goal, Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Education For All. This…

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Finland through an immigrant’s eyes

Freedom of expression, communication, unleashed creativity, valuing other’s opinion and encouraging dialogues, amongst many other attributes, have featured my university studies in a country that has been dominantly ranking the happiest in the world for several years, and more importantly one of the top countries for higher education studies. I am referring to “Suomi”, Finland.…

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