Finnish Education in Practice webinar was a success! What next?

The take-aways of Finnish Education in Practice webinar are surely countless, yet most or perhaps all of us, have realized at this point that Finnish Education is not a miracle, and if it were, it would not happen perhaps then again, and it might not be applicable elsewhere. Rather, this world reputable system is built…

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Webinar: Pedagogy and Finnish Education in Practice June 16th

WEBINAR: PEDAGODY AND FINNISH EDUCATION IN PRACTICE What makes Finnish education unique? There are two basic principles which are constantly emphasized by Finnish educational policy makers and educators – collaboration instead of competition and life skills. Join the webinar on June 16th to learn more! 1 hour webinar will be held on 16 June 2021,…

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Facts About Finnish Education

Finnish education is famous for its excellent learning outcomes and child-centered, stress-free approach. But what else do you know about the Education in Finland? We gathered some Facts about Finnish Education. Did you know all this 😊? Every child in Finland has a subjective right to attend early childhood education and care if the family so wishes.…

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Who cares about the wellbeing of teachers?

“When teachers are experiencing wellbeing in their work, the whole school has the opportunity to thrive.” Reetta Yrttiaho & Susanna Posio 2021 Finland is known for high respect for our well-educated teachers. Finnish teachers also enjoy exceptionally high autonomy in their work which has given them large latitude to carry out their teaching the best…

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Grand Opening of Finland Education Shop by Learning Scoop

Why Finland Education Shop? “You should definitely make an online course of this theme!” “Is there a web shop where we can buy these products?” It’s been literally for years that we have heard these comments and questions. While training international education experts around the world and presenting Finnish educational ideas, practices, material, and products,…

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No screen time! Survivor week at school focusing on wellbeing

Last week my daughter´s school was having a Survivor week. It means that everyone is encouraged to focus on healthy lifestyle, playing outdoors and spending time with friends and family. The most difficult part is that no screen time is allowed. Smart phones, laptops, play stations and computers are banned for the whole week including watching…

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Meet Our Partner: Towa Overseas Study Center – “Go Study” empowers future leaders

Towa Overseas Study Center, the visionary behind the “Go Study” initiative, firmly believes that school visits in a foreign country will inspire and offer professionals in the education field (whether teachers, principals or administrators) a different perspective on best practices around the world, fostering educational development and pedagogical leadership. The “Go Study” initiative offers different…

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How has Finland coped with the Covid-19 crisis?

This blog post is part of Maltese radio interview with Johanna Järvinen-Taubert in May 2020, 1/3. Radio interview was arranged by Dr Kenneth Vella, headmaster of the St Joseph Mater Boni Consilii school in Paola, Malta. The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Finland as it has hit all the other countries. There was a lockdown in…

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World Book Day and The Week of Reading in Finland go creative

Today is International World Book Day, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, or International Day of the Book. It is an annual event organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing, and copyright. World Book Day was first celebrated on 23 April 1995, and continues to be recognized on that day. World Book Day…

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