An ordinary day at Finnish daycare center

I am an early education teacher, working in Kalkunvuori daycare center. I work in an integrated group where half of the children have special needs, and that is why the group size is smaller (12 children) and the staff resource is bigger than the average (4 adults, of which 2 are teachers), but our daily…

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Finland is changing the teaching of languages 1/2

This blog post is part of series “Learning languages”, 1/2. Please find here Blog 2/2. Children learn foreign languages best in their early age: there is a so-called sensitive period for learning different languages during the first years of life. According to different scientific studies this sensitive period lasts from the birth to 6-8 years…

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Piloting extended pre-primary education in Finland: Striving for improved opportunities and decreased marginalization

Finnish pre-primary education is a bridge between non-compulsory early childhood education and compulsory primary education. Prior to 2015, free pre-primary education was the right of every child, and average enrolment rate was ninety-eight percent. In 2015 pre-primary education became not only the right but also the duty. Currently, pre-primary education lasts one year, and it…

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Exploring Indian Schools and Exporting Finnish Education 2/2

This blog post is written by three Finnish Master´s Degree Programme in Teacher Education students who study at Tampere University in Finland. Learning Scoop made the internship possible by matching a great Indian school Redbricks Education Foundation with enthusiastic students from Tampere University. Blog post 1/2 can be read here.  First of all, according to…

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Exploring Indian Schools and Exporting Finnish Education 1/2

This blog post is written by three Finnish Master´s Degree Programme in Teacher Education students who study at Tampere University in Finland. Learning Scoop made the internship possible by matching a great Indian school Redbricks Education Foundation with enthusiastic students from Tampere University. This is a blog post 1/2. As a part of our Master’s…

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´Developing Steps to Freedom’ – Perceptions of the Finnish Education System 1/3

In October this year, for the second year running, Adolescent Success teamed with our sponsors, Latitude Group Travel, to facilitate a five day tour of Finnish schools.  We linked with the Finnish educational learning organisation, Learning Scoop, who provided an exceptional program of background lectures, teacher presentations and classroom visits in and around the beautiful…

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