There are no free lunches, or are there?
Finland is famous for its comprehensive education system, and one of its standout features is the provision of free school lunches. This initiative, which began in the mid-20th century, has evolved significantly over the decades, reflecting changes in societal values, nutritional science, and educational policies. The Role of School Lunches in Education Beyond nutrition, school…
Read MoreGlimpses of a Principal Study Tour
How is it possible to have another awesome group of principals visiting Learning Scoop and local schools? We welcomed a group from New Zealand to Tampere, Finland in late August. Principal Study Tour kicked off with Introduction to the Finnish Education System which is the foundation for the whole study tour experience. Other topics during…
Read MoreIn Finnish schools, the responsibility for learning lies with the pupil
We had the honor of receiving a group of 23 experts from Malta. The group included school leaders, teachers, and administrative staff, and the Comprehensive Education Study Tour provided takeaways for everyone at the end of the trip. Each day, we visited different locations; modern, traditional, and nature-focused educational institutions, all of which are united…
Read MorePrincipals from Shanghai getting to know Finnish Education
Last month we welcomed a group of principals from Shanghai, China to Tampere, Finland. The headmasters and principals work at private schools of Shanghai World Foreign Language School, one of them in an IB school in China and also Kindergarten staff members were joining the tour. As our visitors were keen on learning about curriculum…
Read MoreUutiskirjeessä ajankohtaisia kuulumisia
Suomessa toimiville asiakkaillemme tehtyjen koulutusten ja konsultaatioiden lisäksi tuotamme kansainvälisille asiakkaille ratkaisuja koulutuksen kentällä. Jos olet kiinnostunut kuulemaan lisää, klikkaa tästä uutiskirje auki. Lukuiloa!
Read MoreTämä ei ole OPS
René Magritten maalauksessa on kuvattu piippu, jonka alla lukee: ”Ceci n’est pas une pipe” eli “Tämä ei ole piippu”. Tuossa maalauksessa ja monissa muissa todellisuuden ja kuvitellun rajaa raapivissa ajatelmissa käytetään niin sanottua metafiktiota. Tuon termin loi aikoinaan William H. Gass. Hänen mukaansa tällaisella kikkailulla tarkoitetaan ”fiktiota, joka korostaa omaa fiktioluonnettaan ja asettaa kysymyksiä fiktion ja…
Read MoreEducation Export – Mission Impossible?
Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favourite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…
Read MoreThe Miracle of Finnish Education – how do we do it?
Our pride and joy – Teacher Academy Finland (TAF) – is ready to reveal the secret of the Finnish Education. The curriculum of TAF is just finished and we are excited about it! The aim of Teacher Academy Finland is to showcase the principles behind the educational system and basic education in Finland. In order…
Read MoreHuippuluokan täydennyskoulutusta – Teacher Academy Finland
“Sharing knowledge is caring” – tällä ajatuksella lähti liikkeelle Teacher Academy Finlandin rakentaminen. Siihen kiteytyy myös scooppaamisen perusidea (ks. sivun alaosasta Scooping). Mitä siis haluamme tarjota opettajille ympäri maailman? “You truly educate your children for life and yet get excellent results” said a bunch of Chinese teachers looking at me with their eyes sparkling. They…
Read MoreWe made it together – iso kiitos!
Iso kiitos kaikille Bright Education for All! INEPS-kongressin osallistujille Tampereella – saimme vieraita kaikkiaan 11 eri maasta! Kongressi onnistui erinomaisesti ja palaute on ollut huikean hyvää. Kiitos yhteistyökumppaneillemme, vapaaehtoisille avustajille, puhujille, workshoppien pitäjille sekä tietysti upealle osallistujajoukolle – ilman teitä kongressi ei olisi ollut yhtä onnistunut! Ilo palvella teitä nyt ja jatkossa 🙂 Thank you…
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