Early Childhood Education Study Tour was a success

Early Childhood Education Study Tour took place in the city of Tampere, Finland this week. Team Learning Scoop was covering the foundation of Finnish education system, success factors behind early childhood education and care and giving expert lectures on various topics. Brilliant minds brought together once again!

“I had such an amazing day today. I am very impressed with the education system. I am really enjoying my stay here.”

“The tour is marvellous! Congratulations for all this work to you and the whole team.”

Why could we not trust the teacher whom we have trained for 5-6 years? We trust them and let them do thier job!

“This is the answer from Learning Scoop education management director to the question why do you not have any supervisor for teachers or compulsory observations. Fantastic Study Tour!”

Next Study Tour open for individual participants around the world will be held in August.