Apprenticeship Training – What a great idea!

Work as learning environment of a young student Apprenticeship training is the most cost effective way to organize vocational training. For students it is very often motivating to learn through practical activities at real life situations.  For employers it is a good way to train new employees or to improve skills and competences of the staff. In Finland apprenticeship training has been until the recent years mainly adult education. It is widely recognized that all vocational training should be organized in close cooperation with the world of work. Still in our country most of the young students choose the vocational education in institutions. Compared to their older peers, young students also have partly different needs. Those should be recognized in order to provide education that benefits all parties.  We invite you to our workshop, which will consist of short introduction of apprenticeship training of young people in Finland• needs of a young student and how to support him/her on the learning path • how to coach the mentors  work sites We are eager to hear your point of view. How could we improve learning at work? Petri Hänninen and Päivi Kalliokoski (Omnia) and Jorma Käyhkö (Keuda) will light up the possibilities around apprenticeship in INEPS Congress on Wednesday April 27th at 11 am.

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