There is no teaching without learning

There is no teaching without learning (Paulo Freire) “Basic education lays the foundation for the pupil´s general knowledge and ability. The local authority has an obligation to arrange basic education for children of compulsory education age residing in its area. The obligations that direct the provision of basic education come from the Constitution of Finland,…

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Reading tips

Are you curious to know how The New National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland looks like or what kind of principles The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care contains? Now you have a chance to order eBooks or books issued by National Board of Education in English! Follow the links…

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Greetings from Vietnam educational roadshow

Busy training days, hot and humid weather, super delicious food and happy people! During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, experts sent by Learning Scoop Elina Harju and Jukka Miettunen have held training session on various themes such as Activating teaching methods, Differentiation of content based teaching vs competency based. Participants have…

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To be independent and capable

Last week we had interesting discussions about the goals of education. During tailor-made Study Tour our guests from Dubai were surprised to see how independently even our small pupils act in dining hall or were studying in a different room without teachers´ constant attention. They were surprised to hear that our pupils walk to school…

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How to improve wisdom?

One of the most important chapters of Finnish basic education curriculum is titled: Thinking and learning to learn (First of the seven transversal competences) Edvard de Bono writes in his book Textbook of Wisdom (Viking, 1996): “Wisdom is not all the same as cleverness. I have known many people who are very clever indeed within…

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Latest PISA results – Finnish response

OECD announced its latest PISA results few weeks ago. PISA is among the many international rankings, in which Finland has received excellent results, so naturally the latest results are of big interest both in Finland and in other countries. PISA assesses the learning outcome of students aged 15 in mathematics, science and reading literacy in…

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World’s Best National Curriculum

Why to reform a well-functioning system? “Content of teaching, pedagogy and school practices should be reviewed and renewed in relation to the changes in the operating environment.” (Finland’s National Board of Education)  We have a new national core curriculum in Finland! Schools started to use the renewed curriculum in August this year for grades 1-6. …

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Study Tour Finland: How much testing is really needed?

What a fine and international Study Tour we had last week! We at Learning Scoop team learned so much ourselves again, too. One very interesting talk we had was about evaluation and assessment. Our participant from USA started to think aloud, how much time it takes to have test after every chapter. Teachers in USA…

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