150 times thank you to our study tour participants!

This year we welcomed 150 brave educators all around the world to Tampere, Finland! We had the honor to meet these curious, open-minded and skilled teachers and principals from several different countries from all continents! Learning Scoop is renowned for its quality study tours, which have also been awarded as the Best Authentic Finnish Travel…

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An ordinary day at Finnish school

I have been teaching almost 20 years, most of the time at the same school, the Atala school. It is a primary school in a suburb with a lot of forests around. I have been teaching all grades (1-6) and all subjects. I love the fact I have a possibility to teach the same kids…

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Education, society and economical growth – what is the equation?

Learning Scoop Latin America representative, Beatriz Arze, performed in a radio program “Business Frequency” in Bolivia last Friday. The program is part of a Bolivian Business Magazine, and it is specialized in economy and business. Since education is closely tied to economic growth, societal development, business environment and people’s wellbeing, they interviewed Beatriz about the…

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Reading tips

Are you curious to know how The New National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland looks like or what kind of principles The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care contains? Now you have a chance to order eBooks or books issued by National Board of Education in English! Follow the links…

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How to improve wisdom?

One of the most important chapters of Finnish basic education curriculum is titled: Thinking and learning to learn (First of the seven transversal competences) Edvard de Bono writes in his book Textbook of Wisdom (Viking, 1996): “Wisdom is not all the same as cleverness. I have known many people who are very clever indeed within…

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World’s Best National Curriculum

Why to reform a well-functioning system? “Content of teaching, pedagogy and school practices should be reviewed and renewed in relation to the changes in the operating environment.” (Finland’s National Board of Education)  We have a new national core curriculum in Finland! Schools started to use the renewed curriculum in August this year for grades 1-6. …

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Gender equality in basic education in Finland

  Educational equality is a key premise of Finnish basic education. But what about gender equality in schools? Are girls and boys equal? Are they treated in the same way? Is there room for gender diversity? How gender equality is seen in textbooks and other materials? The Finnish National Board of Education has published a…

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The Miracle of Finnish Education – how do we do it?

Our pride and joy – Teacher Academy Finland (TAF) – is ready to reveal the secret of the Finnish Education. The curriculum of TAF is just finished and we are excited about it! The aim of Teacher Academy Finland is to showcase the principles behind the educational system and basic education in Finland. In order…

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