´Developing Steps to Freedom’ – Perceptions of the Finnish Education System 1/3

In October this year, for the second year running, Adolescent Success teamed with our sponsors, Latitude Group Travel, to facilitate a five day tour of Finnish schools.  We linked with the Finnish educational learning organisation, Learning Scoop, who provided an exceptional program of background lectures, teacher presentations and classroom visits in and around the beautiful…

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The Finnish Teenage Boys Who Cook

Team Learning Scoop is happy to collaborate with Dr. Timothy D. Walker  who is an American teacher living in Finland. We are pleased to share one of his posts here, too! *** The Indian recipe said to grease the baking dish. This was my first task. The others on my cooking team had different jobs. One…

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Why snapping pictures is great but not enough in early childhood education

Early childhood education has several proven positive effects on a child’s learning and well-being. But it does matter what kind of early childhood education we offer. Being able to bring up positive results requires competent staff, reasonable size classrooms, and a curriculum that fits the child’s needs. Easier said than done, or what do you…

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Can we Finnish our school?

I think many people understand that Finland is the gold standard in education. But what specifically are the Finns doing? Can we Finnish our school? Last Autumn I participated in a one-week study tour of schools in Finland because I wanted to see things for myself. It was so interesting and informative that I thought…

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Teachers going online

I’ve been teaching in a Finnish high school for about 25 years and I have seen a lot. Never before has the change in pedagogy been this fast. Different online materials and programs have changed the everyday life of a teacher a lot. First, I’d like to mention Wilma, a web service for the teachers…

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An ordinary day at Finnish school

I have been teaching almost 20 years, most of the time at the same school, the Atala school. It is a primary school in a suburb with a lot of forests around. I have been teaching all grades (1-6) and all subjects. I love the fact I have a possibility to teach the same kids…

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Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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Activating methods in classroom

A teacher stands in the front of the classroom and talks. Students are listening, maybe taking notes. After the lecture students write their notebooks and fill out exercises. Sounds familiar? This model of teaching where a teacher pours information and pupil´s role is just to listen and sit still,  is an old school method. Sometimes…

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Can we play some more?

This is a question our users often get asked by their students after a Seppo lesson. When teachers choose to use games in teaching, in the best case, it’s a game changer also for their students learning. Students’ instant engagement and eagerness to play are just some of the benefits games can bring to teaching…

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