Designing quality lessons

When we have visitors visiting Finnish classes they are very interested in the way lessons are carried out in Finland. Some visitors recognize modern pedagogical practices, while the others tell us that Finnish teaching is very different from what is the practice in their own countries. The classes we visit are also often very different…

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Innovation Institute: Focusing on the Finnish Line – Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

The 5th annual Pine Crest School Innovation Institute Conference will be taking place in April 15th – 16th 2018 in Florida, USA. Learning Scoop Experts Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert as Keynote Speakers will be sharing our knowledge regarding The Finnish school system and teaching practices. Participants will learn from Finnish education experts about their…

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What is pedagogical leadership?

Finnish schools are led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is those people who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding results. This article describes the Finnish idea of pedagogical leadership and…

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With small steps and together

This year I have been privileged to meet educational people all around the world. The story and practises of Finnish education are often rather far from the reality of the other countries. For example, the importance of play, respect of individual child, co-operation instead of competition, real life connection of learning content, respect and autonomy…

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General Education Study Tour by Learning Scoop reviewed in Malta

We are happy to see that there is a 3 page review in Maltese newspaper called “In-Nazzjon” about Finnish Education System, our Study Tour, founding principles and educational experience in Finland. Many thanks to Dr. Kenneth Vella for your impeccable work and observation during your stay with us. Click here to read it in Maltese Topic:…

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Take care of the parents, too

Before our new national core curriculum was put into practice, it took two years from municipalities and schools to get familiar with it, plan and get ready. One part of the work was to share the ideas of the new curriculum with parents and have their ideas as well. Our core curriculum is being given…

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General Education Study Tour with enthusiastic educationalists

We are having an exciting week going on with our international study tour visitors once again. This time we had a pleasure to have General Education Study Tour participants from Malta, Philippines, USA, Thailand and Hong Kong.  During the first day we covered Finnish Education system and training routes and gave a comprehensive introduction to…

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Learning from Finnish education: What, How and Why?

We get inquiries concerning Finnish education every day. People from all over the world are curious to learn, what is Finland doing differently in education and why are we getting so excellent results. This is all very nice and flattering. We are happy to share our ideas and experiences. The problem is, how these ideas…

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Finland’s Core Curriculum: Skills or Knowledge? Or Both?

Last week I was training international education experts from USA, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand etc. about Finland’s new core curriculum. In the beginning of the training I asked them: “How many of you have heard that Finland is getting rid of school subjects in the new national curriculum?” Many participants raised their hands. There…

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