To be independent and capable

Last week we had interesting discussions about the goals of education. During tailor-made Study Tour our guests from Dubai were surprised to see how independently even our small pupils act in dining hall or were studying in a different room without teachers´ constant attention. They were surprised to hear that our pupils walk to school…

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It all begins in the early childhood…

The interest towards Finnish early childhood education has increased significantly during the last year. Why is that? For one thing, foreign education experts have realized that the early childhood education is an integral part of the success story of Finnish education. For the other, there is a lot of interesting development going on in the…

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The World’s Biggest Parents’ Meeting

”The World’s Biggest Parents’ Meeting” was organized last night, when over 20 000 parents gathered at the same time in 160 schools around Finland. The idea was to tell parents about the several inspiring things that are done in schools around the country and engage parents in developing the education. Johanna Järvinen-Taubert from Learning Scoop…

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Researching Finland – from book to practice

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  This time he reflects how he got fascinated about Finland and…

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Less is more – a point of view from USA

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  He wanted to learn from Finnish successes and see what aspects…

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Thank you Kingdom of Bahrain for Educational visit in Finland

In cooperation with Council for Creative Education a delegation from Kingdom of Bahrain visited Finland last week. Hands on experience of various creative methods and activities as an actual Finnish classroom through workshops. Learning Scoop´s expertise covered also topic as Vocational excellence – How to achieve in sustained manner?    Thank you everyone and let´s keep in touch!

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After some days in Finland, normally about 3 days, we start to talk with foreign teachers and education developers about TRUST. Trust is built in our systems. It is very important part of our culture. We trust our children, teachers and principals. Teachers trust their students and students their teachers. Principal trusts and respects his/her teacher…

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