Edufication and Learning Scoop join forces to export Finnish expertise on developing the education sector

Edufication, a service created in South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, and Tampere-based Learning Scoop have agreed on cooperating in producing and publishing educational material. Learning Scoop offers Study Tours, seminars, and training programmes for educators around the globe. The coronavirus pandemic caused a stall in educational travel in Finland. One solution to the problem…

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New School Year – where is Finnish education heading next?

We get a lot of visitors from different countries, who are seeking new ideas and inspiration from Finland. Finland is known to have created a very unique and original education system that has managed to combine stress-free and learner-centered approach with excellent learning results. Therefore it is natural that our visitors are anxious to see…

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Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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Can we play some more?

This is a question our users often get asked by their students after a Seppo lesson. When teachers choose to use games in teaching, in the best case, it’s a game changer also for their students learning. Students’ instant engagement and eagerness to play are just some of the benefits games can bring to teaching…

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Partnership with families in Early Childhood Education

When educators from around the world come to Finland, get introduced to the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system, experience and observe real situations and interaction among children and adults, they get very excited and overwhelmed with many thoughts and ideas they would like to have as a takeaway back home. During the previous…

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Team Learning – a valuable tool for 21st century skills

Learning in the Finnish high school has previously had a strong focus on the individual student and the Matriculation Examination. Learning and teaching both, have been lonely jobs. Today, there is a change towards more collaborative methods. In the autumn 2016 schools in Finland started to work with the new core curriculum, and we were…

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How can we help teachers to act as innovators, part 3/3: Collaboration

Finnish education is world-famous for its high quality and Finnish teachers are known to constantly develop the education. This continuous development has brought Finland excellent results. Why are Finnish teachers so development-oriented? We tackle this question in three consecutive blog posts. Understanding Finnish education requires the comprehension of few basic principles. These principles also guarantee…

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Simultaneous teaching

Working as a teacher can be a lonely job. Even though you have colleagues: you have common coffee breaks with them, plan your lessons together, have dialogues and even assess together outside the classroom — nevertheless, a teacher is alone in classroom. One class, and only one teacher. If we are lucky, we have a…

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Full STEAM ahead!

As You may know Finnish teacher education produces two different kind of teachers for the basic education. Subject teachers mostly work at lower secondary schools teaching students aged 13-16 year old and class teachers who teach at primary schools where students are 7-12 years old. Both have Master´s degree and are experts on their own…

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