What is pedagogical leadership?

Finnish schools are led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is those people who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding results. This article describes the Finnish idea of pedagogical leadership and…

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World’s Best National Curriculum

Why to reform a well-functioning system? “Content of teaching, pedagogy and school practices should be reviewed and renewed in relation to the changes in the operating environment.” (Finland’s National Board of Education)  We have a new national core curriculum in Finland! Schools started to use the renewed curriculum in August this year for grades 1-6. …

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Gender equality in basic education in Finland

  Educational equality is a key premise of Finnish basic education. But what about gender equality in schools? Are girls and boys equal? Are they treated in the same way? Is there room for gender diversity? How gender equality is seen in textbooks and other materials? The Finnish National Board of Education has published a…

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Quality Education for All!

Last week I had the privilege of training Education experts from the Kingdom of Bahrain in cooperation with our partner Creative Council for Education. What surprises me – I know it should not! – is how easy it was for us to understand each other! The Bahraini experts told us about the activating methods they…

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