Finland’s Core Curriculum: Skills or Knowledge? Or Both?

Last week I was training international education experts from USA, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand etc. about Finland’s new core curriculum. In the beginning of the training I asked them: “How many of you have heard that Finland is getting rid of school subjects in the new national curriculum?” Many participants raised their hands. There…

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Older but Golder!

Finland is celebrating 100th anniversary in 2017 Finland became an independent state on 6th of December in 1917. Despite of hard times (civil war 1918, Word War II in 1939-44) the Finns have built this nation successful by making decisions together. Now we are steering the country to the new century with pride and courage.…

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What if trust was the starting point?

What would you think if I gave you an argument that trust is the starting point of leadership? In Finnish school system trust is one of the biggest values. The whole educational system is based on trust. Parents trust the school system, politicians trust education providers, education providers trust principals, principals trust their teachers, teachers…

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Less is more – a point of view from USA

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  He wanted to learn from Finnish successes and see what aspects…

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Meet Tampere – All Bright! Ambassador Julia Rigal

It´s our pure delight to present Julia the Ambassador of Learning to our network. Her personal aim is to promote Tampere as an education hub and to help bring this expertise to other countries. “For the past seven years, my professional life has been all about education: Back in Austria (and partly in Germany), I…

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Empowered by nature and art

Finnish summer is short and intensive. We enjoy of it fully. What a power sun, warm and light have! Only people who have longed for it can really appreciate it. We fill us up with summer. Nature is always near in Finland. One can easily find a lake shore or forest. We have fresh air…

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Education Export – Mission Impossible?

Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favourite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…

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Education Export – Mission Impossible?

Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favorite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…

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After some days in Finland, normally about 3 days, we start to talk with foreign teachers and education developers about TRUST. Trust is built in our systems. It is very important part of our culture. We trust our children, teachers and principals. Teachers trust their students and students their teachers. Principal trusts and respects his/her teacher…

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