Innovation Institute: Focusing on the Finnish Line – Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

The 5th annual Pine Crest School Innovation Institute Conference will be taking place in April 15th – 16th 2018 in Florida, USA. Learning Scoop Experts Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert as Keynote Speakers will be sharing our knowledge regarding The Finnish school system and teaching practices. Participants will learn from Finnish education experts about their…

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Inspiring company and inner motivation

I have had a great pleasure to meet this week fine, fine young adults. First I held a workshop about Finnish Education System and Entrepreneurship Education with the group of South-African entrepreneurs. I must say that South-African future is in good hands if people like these are given possibility. Such good questions, great discussion and fine…

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Making sense – thinking skills

I read an interesting article written by three ladies: Ms Irmeli Halinen, Ms Minna Harmanen and Ms Paula Mattila. They are discribing the Curriculun reform in Finland specially focusing the question: why Finland is Introducing Multiliteracy in Teaching and Learning. You can read the whole article here. In the Finnish Core Curriculum, the objectives for…

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