How can we help teachers to act as innovators, part 2/3: Autonomy

Finnish education is world-famous for its high quality and Finnish teachers are known to constantly develop the education. This continuous development has brought Finland excellent results: Why are Finnish teachers so development-oriented? We tackle this question in three consecutive blog posts. Understanding Finnish education requires the comprehension of few basic principles. These principles also guarantee…

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Simultaneous teaching

Working as a teacher can be a lonely job. Even though you have colleagues: you have common coffee breaks with them, plan your lessons together, have dialogues and even assess together outside the classroom — nevertheless, a teacher is alone in classroom. One class, and only one teacher. If we are lucky, we have a…

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General Education Study Tour with enthusiastic educationalists

We are having an exciting week going on with our international study tour visitors once again. This time we had a pleasure to have General Education Study Tour participants from Malta, Philippines, USA, Thailand and Hong Kong.  During the first day we covered Finnish Education system and training routes and gave a comprehensive introduction to…

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Video greetings from South Korea

I had a pleasure to spend a week in South Korea. I attended a seminar with 300 participants and held training sessions about Finnish education system, playful learning and early childhood education for educationalists in South Korea. We were also invited to local schools to work with teachers from primary schools till high school. Interesting…

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