150 times thank you to our study tour participants!

This year we welcomed 150 brave educators all around the world to Tampere, Finland! We had the honor to meet these curious, open-minded and skilled teachers and principals from several different countries from all continents! Learning Scoop is renowned for its quality study tours, which have also been awarded as the Best Authentic Finnish Travel…

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The Finnish Teacher: Podcast interview by TeachPitch

“The data keep on piling up that there is something about Finland and Education”. We had an honor to be part of The TeachPitch Podcast series. Our Pedagogical Director Johanna Järvinen-Taubert is sharing insight to the cornerstones of Finnish education, child-centered pedagogy and ways to reach our ultimate goal, Sustainable Development Goal #4, Quality Education For All. This…

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Finnish Education in Practice webinar was a success! What next?

The take-aways of Finnish Education in Practice webinar are surely countless, yet most or perhaps all of us, have realized at this point that Finnish Education is not a miracle, and if it were, it would not happen perhaps then again, and it might not be applicable elsewhere. Rather, this world reputable system is built…

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An ordinary day at Finnish daycare center

I am an early education teacher, working in Kalkunvuori daycare center. I work in an integrated group where half of the children have special needs, and that is why the group size is smaller (12 children) and the staff resource is bigger than the average (4 adults, of which 2 are teachers), but our daily…

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Activating methods in classroom

A teacher stands in the front of the classroom and talks. Students are listening, maybe taking notes. After the lecture students write their notebooks and fill out exercises. Sounds familiar? This model of teaching where a teacher pours information and pupil´s role is just to listen and sit still,  is an old school method. Sometimes…

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True Equity: Finnish Commitment to Responsive Policy

This past January I had the joy of visiting Finland to learn more about equity in Finnish schools as part of my undergraduate thesis research. I was lucky enough to be hosted by Johanna of Learning Scoop, and spend a day touring a school and speaking with students and teachers to round out my experience.…

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Why do we need Phenomenon-based Learning?

”Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects!” I look at the headline in international magazine and think: ”Oh, really?” I glance at the current Finnish National Core Curriculum for Finnish Basic Education on my table and think, what are all the 16 different school subjects presented…

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3rd International Seminar in Malta

We often say that we have the best job in the world. This was again the case, when we visited Malta last week to train teachers and launch LessonApp Premium there. The devoted, talented and passionate Maltese educators we met during our trip are the source of inspiration for our work!   Thank you, Malta,…

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