Verso – a peer mediation program for children

“Mom, I’ve requested a Verso meeting!” My 10 year old daughter’s announcement surprised me. I knew she had suffered from a complicated situation with a couple of her classmates, but didn’t know she had decided to find a solution to it through peer mediation program Verso. Verso is a peer mediation program, where trained, a…

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Simultaneous teaching

Working as a teacher can be a lonely job. Even though you have colleagues: you have common coffee breaks with them, plan your lessons together, have dialogues and even assess together outside the classroom — nevertheless, a teacher is alone in classroom. One class, and only one teacher. If we are lucky, we have a…

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Making impact on education – a Kiwi case

Few weeks ago we got excellent news: four talented teachers – Ali Levitt, Jules Dallas, Rosey D’Anvers and Moira Clews – from Belmont Primary School, New Zealand, hold a presentation on Finnish education in a national uLearn18 conference in Rotorua, New Zealand. The workshop was a huge success: 200 teachers came to hear the story…

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Teachers look in-depth at Finnish education system

Our customers know it best! “Collaboration instead of competition” and “learning is for life” were recurrent themes mentioned during a week-long study tour in Tampere, Finland. The Finns do not believe in teaching for a test. How to follow student´s natural path of development? For example this kind of findings were done during a study…

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Survey reveals teachers’ challenges and suggestions

Last month Team Learning Scoop had a great chance to participate International Edu Conference in Malta.  While being in Malta our experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla conducted an online survey about challenges facing teachers in their daily work. This great article is written by Mr. Kenneth Vella, Headmaster of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School…

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Teachers are teachers no matter where you go

I have been a class teacher for 18 years, worked with teachers in Finland and abroad and for last five years I have also trained both Finnish and foreign teachers. This was my first time in Malta, where we had workshops on Finnish Education.  A new country is always a new one. You can never…

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What is pedagogical leadership?

Finnish schools are led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is those people who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding results. This article describes the Finnish idea of pedagogical leadership and…

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