Finnish principals developing operational culture at school

“Culture is defined as the learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and traditions that a group of people shares. The group that shares these qualities makes them unique“ (Northouse 2007, Leadership theory and practice). According to the national core curriculum in Finland, the school culture plays a key role in implementing comprehensive basic education and…

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What is pedagogical leadership?

Finnish schools are led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is those people who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding results. This article describes the Finnish idea of pedagogical leadership and…

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General Education Study Tour with enthusiastic educationalists

We are having an exciting week going on with our international study tour visitors once again. This time we had a pleasure to have General Education Study Tour participants from Malta, Philippines, USA, Thailand and Hong Kong.  During the first day we covered Finnish Education system and training routes and gave a comprehensive introduction to…

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Greetings from Vietnam educational roadshow

Busy training days, hot and humid weather, super delicious food and happy people! During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, experts sent by Learning Scoop Elina Harju and Jukka Miettunen have held training session on various themes such as Activating teaching methods, Differentiation of content based teaching vs competency based. Participants have…

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Top leaders, top results – Principal Academy Finland

Finnish schools are not among the best in the World by chance. They are also led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is they who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding…

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After some days in Finland, normally about 3 days, we start to talk with foreign teachers and education developers about TRUST. Trust is built in our systems. It is very important part of our culture. We trust our children, teachers and principals. Teachers trust their students and students their teachers. Principal trusts and respects his/her teacher…

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Leading Learning and Croatian researchers in Finland

This week we had a group of enthusiastic professionals from Crotia getting deeper insight into Finnish Education System and pedagogical leadership. The work of principal was in focus when we visited and interviewed people in charge of day care center, basic education schools, high schools and vocational schools. The commitment of our leaders and (once…

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