Teacher training program for teachers from Lagos, Nigeria

Last Spring a group of educators from Lagos state, Nigeria attended an in-service teacher training program by Learning Scoop in Tampere, Finland. The main objective of this 2-week program was to get to know Finnish upper secondary and high school education and pedagogical practices as well as how competence-based multidisciplinary training in conducted. The program…

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Learning Scoop Study tours – to match your professional needs

Learning Scoop is organizing four different, yet exquisite study tours in Finland in November 2019 to meet the different needs of the different professional groups:   Principal Study Tour November 4th – 8th of November 2019 Principal study tour is a unique opportunity for principals to get to know about the Finnish pedagogical leadership and…

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New School Year – where is Finnish education heading next?

We get a lot of visitors from different countries, who are seeking new ideas and inspiration from Finland. Finland is known to have created a very unique and original education system that has managed to combine stress-free and learner-centered approach with excellent learning results. Therefore it is natural that our visitors are anxious to see…

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Team Learning – a valuable tool for 21st century skills

Learning in the Finnish high school has previously had a strong focus on the individual student and the Matriculation Examination. Learning and teaching both, have been lonely jobs. Today, there is a change towards more collaborative methods. In the autumn 2016 schools in Finland started to work with the new core curriculum, and we were…

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Reading tips

Are you curious to know how The New National Core Curriculum for Basic Education in Finland looks like or what kind of principles The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care contains? Now you have a chance to order eBooks or books issued by National Board of Education in English! Follow the links…

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