How we work?

Do you want to hear more about us and about some basic ideas which funcion as driving force? Scooping The basic idea behind Learning Scoop’s business is simple. The aim is to scoop up the best practices in Finnish education and refine them to serve the needs of international clients. The company also looks for…

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What´s up in education?

For last few weeks there has been many interesting posts and articles on air about Finnish education. Are you empowering people to use their imagination in daily life? The Guardian points out that we spend our childhoods being taught the artificial skill of passing exams. Read more here “Everyone is born creative, but it is…

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Warm thank you – we made it together!

Thank you Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, India, USA, Brasil, Finland for making this congress such a unique experience! On behalf of Congress Organising Committee we at Learning Scoop would like to thank each and every one of you for participation, active contribution and great atmosphere during the INEPS Congress 2016…

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Productive Learning in vocational education

Hear about the challenges and interim results of the Erasmus+ project PROVED introduced by Heike Borkenhagen PROVED (“Productive Learning in Vocational Education”) is a two years Erasmus+ project which is performed in Finland, Germany, Greece and Lithuania. The project’s aim is the transfer of Productive Learning from the field of general education to the field…

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Promoting Learning – the Finnish Way

In the “Promoting Learning – the Finnish way” INEPS Congress workshop run by Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert, Learning Scoop we discuss about the basic ideas and structures of the Finnish education. Is it true that there are no dead ends, but one can always carry on, no matter what choices he has made earlier?…

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INEPS Congress next Spring 2016 – Bright Education for All!

The Bright Education for All Congress: activating and practical methods throughout the learning path will be taking place in Tampere from April 26th to 29th, 2016. The congress will provide a forum for introducing various learner-centered, work-based and activating methods for promoting learning and preventing exclusion. The congress will showcase the entire activating learning path…

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