An ordinary day at Finnish daycare center

I am an early education teacher, working in Kalkunvuori daycare center. I work in an integrated group where half of the children have special needs, and that is why the group size is smaller (12 children) and the staff resource is bigger than the average (4 adults, of which 2 are teachers), but our daily…

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Finland is changing the teaching of languages 1/2

This blog post is part of series “Learning languages”, 1/2. Please find here Blog 2/2. Children learn foreign languages best in their early age: there is a so-called sensitive period for learning different languages during the first years of life. According to different scientific studies this sensitive period lasts from the birth to 6-8 years…

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Can we Finnish our school?

I think many people understand that Finland is the gold standard in education. But what specifically are the Finns doing? Can we Finnish our school? Last Autumn I participated in a one-week study tour of schools in Finland because I wanted to see things for myself. It was so interesting and informative that I thought…

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An ordinary day at Finnish school

I have been teaching almost 20 years, most of the time at the same school, the Atala school. It is a primary school in a suburb with a lot of forests around. I have been teaching all grades (1-6) and all subjects. I love the fact I have a possibility to teach the same kids…

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Education, society and economical growth – what is the equation?

Learning Scoop Latin America representative, Beatriz Arze, performed in a radio program “Business Frequency” in Bolivia last Friday. The program is part of a Bolivian Business Magazine, and it is specialized in economy and business. Since education is closely tied to economic growth, societal development, business environment and people’s wellbeing, they interviewed Beatriz about the…

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Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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Nine years of teaching and learning in the heart of Europe

Cherry trees and tulips blossom in all colors now in Brussels. I miss this international and bohemian city. I also miss the location, it was so easy and fast to travel to other European cities at weekends. I worked nine years as a class teacher in the European School in Brussels, seconded by the Finnish…

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Why do we need Phenomenon-based Learning?

”Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects!” I look at the headline in international magazine and think: ”Oh, really?” I glance at the current Finnish National Core Curriculum for Finnish Basic Education on my table and think, what are all the 16 different school subjects presented…

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Learning Scoop goes Latin America

Learning Scoop is happy to start collaboration with SISU Educación & Bienestar in Bolivia, Latin America. The first online courses are taking place yesterday and today covering themes “How to keep the student´s interest at class” and “Teaching and learning methodologies to develop the kids´ potential in class.” Our wonderful experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Satu Herrala are delivering the sessions from Tampere,…

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The Scoop on Finland

It is our pure delight to share this fantastic blog done by two Principal Study Tour participants during last week´s study tour.  The aim was to explore the aspects of school administration including pedagogical leadership and a learner-centered approach, school finance and human resources, collaboration with stakeholders, counseling and student welfare services,  system thinking, and sustainability.…

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