Innovation Institute: Focusing on the Finnish Line – Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

The 5th annual Pine Crest School Innovation Institute Conference will be taking place in April 15th – 16th 2018 in Florida, USA. Learning Scoop Experts Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert as Keynote Speakers will be sharing our knowledge regarding The Finnish school system and teaching practices. Participants will learn from Finnish education experts about their…

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General Education Study Tour with enthusiastic educationalists

We are having an exciting week going on with our international study tour visitors once again. This time we had a pleasure to have General Education Study Tour participants from Malta, Philippines, USA, Thailand and Hong Kong.  During the first day we covered Finnish Education system and training routes and gave a comprehensive introduction to…

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Greetings from Vietnam educational roadshow

Busy training days, hot and humid weather, super delicious food and happy people! During their stay in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, experts sent by Learning Scoop Elina Harju and Jukka Miettunen have held training session on various themes such as Activating teaching methods, Differentiation of content based teaching vs competency based. Participants have…

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What if trust was the starting point?

What would you think if I gave you an argument that trust is the starting point of leadership? In Finnish school system trust is one of the biggest values. The whole educational system is based on trust. Parents trust the school system, politicians trust education providers, education providers trust principals, principals trust their teachers, teachers…

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With same tools: School´s homepages and electronical books

On Wednesday April 27th at 11 am Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Jouko Jokinen, is a unique Finnish Learning Environment The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER), project manager Jouko Jokinen Tools: It would be good if the participants had tablet or mobile of their own with…

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