Edufication and Learning Scoop join forces to export Finnish expertise on developing the education sector

Edufication, a service created in South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, and Tampere-based Learning Scoop have agreed on cooperating in producing and publishing educational material. Learning Scoop offers Study Tours, seminars, and training programmes for educators around the globe. The coronavirus pandemic caused a stall in educational travel in Finland. One solution to the problem…

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Can we play some more?

This is a question our users often get asked by their students after a Seppo lesson. When teachers choose to use games in teaching, in the best case, it’s a game changer also for their students learning. Students’ instant engagement and eagerness to play are just some of the benefits games can bring to teaching…

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Learning Scoop in collaboration with Personal Learning Environment

Ease of use and the joy of accomplishment! Learning Scoop is happy to announce partnership with personal learning platform. offers tools for educational institutions and teachers.   Portal is a platform for collecting and distributing materials, maintained by the teacher or other admin and used by the learner. is a suitable platform for web-based…

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