Science for Kids!

The new Finnish Core Curriculum emphasizes developing of thinking skills and learning through investigating real life phenomena. Good example of this were the Science Days held in Tampere-talo on Saturday. There was special program for children aged 7-10 years. Robots, planetarium, hands-on workshops and lot’s of fun discoveries! Available for everyone free of charge.  

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Latest PISA results – Finnish response

OECD announced its latest PISA results few weeks ago. PISA is among the many international rankings, in which Finland has received excellent results, so naturally the latest results are of big interest both in Finland and in other countries. PISA assesses the learning outcome of students aged 15 in mathematics, science and reading literacy in…

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School and the working life

“No man is an island.” We all belong to our local communities and to the global community as well. We at Learning Scoop try to regularly exercise our social responsibility and give our input for developing our own community as well as contributing to the global development. As an example of this I recently took…

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