Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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How can we help teachers to act as innovators, part 1/3: Trust

Teachers are often expected to act as innovators in the society. Education is of vital importance for the development of society and teachers are awaited to promote that development by new and innovative solutions in education. Finnish education is world-famous for its high quality and Finnish teachers are known to constantly develop the education. This…

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Once upon a time in Thailand…

When it is pitch dark in Finland, it is lovely to travel to the sunnier side of the world. Our experts had an opportunity to train teachers and faculty staff of Didyasarin International Preparatory School in Bangkok, Thailand few weeks ago. It was wonderful to meet our study tour participants Lady and Tor again and…

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We enable meaningful learning

Basic Education (K-9) Study Tour and Principal Study Tour kicked off the Autumn semester 2018. Team Learning Scoop had the privilege to encounter enthusiastic and skilled educators from Abu Dhabi, Australia, Malta, New Zealand and USA. Basic Education group focused on getting to know cornerstones of Finnish education: Finnish Education system and training routes, Curriculum and…

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Survey reveals teachers’ challenges and suggestions

Last month Team Learning Scoop had a great chance to participate International Edu Conference in Malta.  While being in Malta our experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla conducted an online survey about challenges facing teachers in their daily work. This great article is written by Mr. Kenneth Vella, Headmaster of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School…

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There is no teaching without learning

There is no teaching without learning (Paulo Freire) “Basic education lays the foundation for the pupil´s general knowledge and ability. The local authority has an obligation to arrange basic education for children of compulsory education age residing in its area. The obligations that direct the provision of basic education come from the Constitution of Finland,…

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Take care of the parents, too

Before our new national core curriculum was put into practice, it took two years from municipalities and schools to get familiar with it, plan and get ready. One part of the work was to share the ideas of the new curriculum with parents and have their ideas as well. Our core curriculum is being given…

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Ideas born in international winds

This year I have been privileged in many occasions to talk with people from many different countries. First at Lapland International Forum for Education (LIFE2017) in Rovaniemi, where we also had a workshop on Pedagogical Leadership – Empowering School Community. Last few days I have had pleasure to be part of Symposium of Turkish Private…

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The World’s Biggest Parents’ Meeting

”The World’s Biggest Parents’ Meeting” was organized last night, when over 20 000 parents gathered at the same time in 160 schools around Finland. The idea was to tell parents about the several inspiring things that are done in schools around the country and engage parents in developing the education. Johanna Järvinen-Taubert from Learning Scoop…

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School and the working life

“No man is an island.” We all belong to our local communities and to the global community as well. We at Learning Scoop try to regularly exercise our social responsibility and give our input for developing our own community as well as contributing to the global development. As an example of this I recently took…

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