Learning Scoop in collaboration with Peda.net Personal Learning Environment

Ease of use and the joy of accomplishment! Learning Scoop is happy to announce partnership with peda.net personal learning platform. Peda.net offers tools for educational institutions and teachers.   Portal is a platform for collecting and distributing materials, maintained by the teacher or other admin and used by the learner. Peda.net is a suitable platform for web-based…

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With same tools: School´s homepages and electronical books

On Wednesday April 27th at 11 am Bright Education for All! INEPS congress introduces one interesting workshop session by Jouko Jokinen, Peda.net Peda.net is a unique Finnish Learning Environment The Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER), project manager Jouko Jokinen Tools: It would be good if the participants had tablet or mobile of their own with…

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