Team Learning – a valuable tool for 21st century skills

Learning in the Finnish high school has previously had a strong focus on the individual student and the Matriculation Examination. Learning and teaching both, have been lonely jobs. Today, there is a change towards more collaborative methods. In the autumn 2016 schools in Finland started to work with the new core curriculum, and we were…

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Why do we need Phenomenon-based Learning?

”Finland Will Become The First Country In The World To Get Rid Of All School Subjects!” I look at the headline in international magazine and think: ”Oh, really?” I glance at the current Finnish National Core Curriculum for Finnish Basic Education on my table and think, what are all the 16 different school subjects presented…

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Shared passion – the best passion

Last week we were privileged to have Basic Education (K-9) Study Tour participants in Finland with us to explore the miracle around Finnish education success story. All the talented teachers and educators were passionate about developing their school communities, every day lessons and themselves as teachers. Many of them were interested in PBL: Project Based…

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