Productive Learning (PL) for Newcomers

Productive Learning is an educational form that combines learning in school and learning at self-chosen practice sites. It was inspired by the City-As-School New York and developed in the framework of a developmental project with partners from ten countries starting in the 1990th.  In Germany the model is used in about 100 schools in seven…

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Find out more about Productive Learning, Youth work and drug prevention in Greece during INEPS congress workshop held on Thursday April 28th at 1 pm. What is PLOUTOS in short? Pedagogical Learning trough the Operation and Urging of Teams for Overcoming Social exclusion In the frame of the program “WE AR ALL CITIZENS-EEA grants”, the…

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Productive Learning in vocational education

Hear about the challenges and interim results of the Erasmus+ project PROVED introduced by Heike Borkenhagen PROVED (“Productive Learning in Vocational Education”) is a two years Erasmus+ project which is performed in Finland, Germany, Greece and Lithuania. The project’s aim is the transfer of Productive Learning from the field of general education to the field…

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