What does quality service mean to us?

  Visit Finland is a national authority owned by Finnish Government and it has an active role in promoting international travel to Finland. Visit Finland organized an “Authentic Finnish Educational Travel Product” contest, and we were honored to receive the first prize in the category of professional programs for teachers. That is a remarkable recognition…

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There is no teaching without learning

There is no teaching without learning (Paulo Freire) “Basic education lays the foundation for the pupil´s general knowledge and ability. The local authority has an obligation to arrange basic education for children of compulsory education age residing in its area. The obligations that direct the provision of basic education come from the Constitution of Finland,…

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Older but Golder!

Finland is celebrating 100th anniversary in 2017 Finland became an independent state on 6th of December in 1917. Despite of hard times (civil war 1918, Word War II in 1939-44) the Finns have built this nation successful by making decisions together. Now we are steering the country to the new century with pride and courage.…

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