Education, society and economical growth – what is the equation?

Learning Scoop Latin America representative, Beatriz Arze, performed in a radio program “Business Frequency” in Bolivia last Friday. The program is part of a Bolivian Business Magazine, and it is specialized in economy and business. Since education is closely tied to economic growth, societal development, business environment and people’s wellbeing, they interviewed Beatriz about the…

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Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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Activating methods in classroom

A teacher stands in the front of the classroom and talks. Students are listening, maybe taking notes. After the lecture students write their notebooks and fill out exercises. Sounds familiar? This model of teaching where a teacher pours information and pupil´s role is just to listen and sit still,  is an old school method. Sometimes…

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Outdoor schooling for better learning results

Children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55 percent less risk of developing various mental disorders later in life. This is shown by a new study from Aarhus University, Denmark, emphasizing the need for designing green and healthy environments for the future. There is increasing evidence that the natural environment plays a larger role for mental health than previously thought. About…

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Country living – innovative way

You start your journey from the city center and leave the neon lights behind you. After passing by several suburbs and after the last traffic lights and road lights you’re driving alone without seeing a single house on a journey through the swamps and forest. Suddenly you pump into a small village of 1500 inhabitants…

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How can we help teachers to act as innovators, part 2/3: Autonomy

Finnish education is world-famous for its high quality and Finnish teachers are known to constantly develop the education. This continuous development has brought Finland excellent results: Why are Finnish teachers so development-oriented? We tackle this question in three consecutive blog posts. Understanding Finnish education requires the comprehension of few basic principles. These principles also guarantee…

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STEAM in Education – A hot topic globally

STEAM, which means Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics is a rising star if we are talking about trends in education. BETT Show held in London every January, the largest event in the world in learning technology, is typically full of STEAM related material and boots. In a certain STEAM village area many service providers…

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Making impact on education – a Kiwi case

Few weeks ago we got excellent news: four talented teachers – Ali Levitt, Jules Dallas, Rosey D’Anvers and Moira Clews – from Belmont Primary School, New Zealand, hold a presentation on Finnish education in a national uLearn18 conference in Rotorua, New Zealand. The workshop was a huge success: 200 teachers came to hear the story…

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Survey reveals teachers’ challenges and suggestions

Last month Team Learning Scoop had a great chance to participate International Edu Conference in Malta.  While being in Malta our experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla conducted an online survey about challenges facing teachers in their daily work. This great article is written by Mr. Kenneth Vella, Headmaster of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School…

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