Learning about Sustainable Education during a study tour

Study Tour season is on! During one of the coldest weeks of the Winter in Finland we welcomed a group from the tropical Bahamas. Sustainable education was one of the most important topics that resonated with our visitors. Our experts introduced them many topics such as Versatile learning environments, Curriculum & Assessment, Educational Support and…

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150 times thank you to our study tour participants!

This year we welcomed 150 brave educators all around the world to Tampere, Finland! We had the honor to meet these curious, open-minded and skilled teachers and principals from several different countries from all continents! Learning Scoop is renowned for its quality study tours, which have also been awarded as the Best Authentic Finnish Travel…

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Finnish Nature Experience

While in Tampere why not to forget the urban nature for an evening? We recommend to get energized in Finnish forest! Our Study Tour visitors enjoy Finnish Nature Experience, which is a guided evening spent in Finnish nature. We provide the experience together with our partner Seventen Tours. Let the fun begin! Team building and making…

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Teacher training program for teachers from Lagos, Nigeria

Last Spring a group of educators from Lagos state, Nigeria attended an in-service teacher training program by Learning Scoop in Tampere, Finland. The main objective of this 2-week program was to get to know Finnish upper secondary and high school education and pedagogical practices as well as how competence-based multidisciplinary training in conducted. The program…

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What will you see when visiting a Finnish school with Learning Scoop?

What does a typical school day in a school in Finland look like? Have you dreamed of visiting a Finnish school? We hope that this video gives you glimpses of the school day activities, learning environments, importance of physical activity, teacher collaboration and joy of learning. Join along and welcome to Finland to experience it…

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´Developing Steps to Freedom’ – Perceptions of the Finnish Education System 1/3

In October this year, for the second year running, Adolescent Success teamed with our sponsors, Latitude Group Travel, to facilitate a five day tour of Finnish schools.  We linked with the Finnish educational learning organisation, Learning Scoop, who provided an exceptional program of background lectures, teacher presentations and classroom visits in and around the beautiful…

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Adventure Day Camps for Children – Partnership with Adventure Apes!

Learning Scoop is happy to launch collaboration with Adventure Apes. It means that our study tour participants can now visit Finland with their kids! Adventure Apes offers tailor-made adventure camps with a focus on connecting learning to the physical world. Nature becomes the classroom promoting exploration, discovery and sparking curiosity about the natural world. This…

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Can we Finnish our school?

I think many people understand that Finland is the gold standard in education. But what specifically are the Finns doing? Can we Finnish our school? Last Autumn I participated in a one-week study tour of schools in Finland because I wanted to see things for myself. It was so interesting and informative that I thought…

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Learning Scoop Year 2019 in a Nutshell

It is time to wrap up 2019 and welcome 2020! Not in any particular order we would like to share few highlights from 2019. We started collaboration with Edustudio Helsinki to boost impact through quality education in Romania. Thank you for your hard work and can do attitude! It was our honour to establish partnership…

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What does quality service mean to us?

  Visit Finland is a national authority owned by Finnish Government and it has an active role in promoting international travel to Finland. Visit Finland organized an “Authentic Finnish Educational Travel Product” contest, and we were honored to receive the first prize in the category of professional programs for teachers. That is a remarkable recognition…

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