Less is more – a point of view from USA

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  He wanted to learn from Finnish successes and see what aspects…

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Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi visiting Finland

Thank you Mr. Manish Sisodia,Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi @msisodia for visiting Finland. We had a great chance to introduce Finnish Education system both in theory and in practice. Partnership Director of Learning Scoop Ms. Elina Harju joined the delegation and explained crucial points of Education policy and teacherś role in Finland. To wrap things…

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Study Tour Finland: How much testing is really needed?

What a fine and international Study Tour we had last week! We at Learning Scoop team learned so much ourselves again, too. One very interesting talk we had was about evaluation and assessment. Our participant from USA started to think aloud, how much time it takes to have test after every chapter. Teachers in USA…

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Education Export – Mission Impossible?

Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favourite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…

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What´s up in education?

For last few weeks there has been many interesting posts and articles on air about Finnish education. Are you empowering people to use their imagination in daily life? The Guardian points out that we spend our childhoods being taught the artificial skill of passing exams. Read more here “Everyone is born creative, but it is…

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