Learning goes forest

Sometimes we are asked “how many forest do you have?” Well, one. A bit exaggerated the whole Finland is actually one big forest with lakes and some houses here and there. Even in cities, forest and nature are normally not that far away. So, it is no wonder that our schools and day-care centres have…

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General Education Study Tour by Learning Scoop reviewed in Malta

We are happy to see that there is a 3 page review in Maltese newspaper called “In-Nazzjon” about Finnish Education System, our Study Tour, founding principles and educational experience in Finland. Many thanks to Dr. Kenneth Vella for your impeccable work and observation during your stay with us. Click here to read it in Maltese Topic:…

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Early Childhood Education Study Tour was a success

Early Childhood Education Study Tour took place in the city of Tampere, Finland this week. Team Learning Scoop was covering the foundation of Finnish education system, success factors behind early childhood education and care and giving expert lectures on various topics. Brilliant minds brought together once again! “I had such an amazing day today. I…

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Study Tour Finland: How much testing is really needed?

What a fine and international Study Tour we had last week! We at Learning Scoop team learned so much ourselves again, too. One very interesting talk we had was about evaluation and assessment. Our participant from USA started to think aloud, how much time it takes to have test after every chapter. Teachers in USA…

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Finnish preschool children learn through play and joy

My 6-year-old son started preschool this fall. In fact, he would have preferred to skip the summer vacation, because he had so much fun at the preschool orientation evening in May. In Finland pre-primary education became compulsory in August 2015. However, about 96 % of six-year-olds attended already when pre-primary education was voluntary. In Finland…

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What´s up in education?

For last few weeks there has been many interesting posts and articles on air about Finnish education. Are you empowering people to use their imagination in daily life? The Guardian points out that we spend our childhoods being taught the artificial skill of passing exams. Read more here “Everyone is born creative, but it is…

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Warm thank you – we made it together!

Thank you Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, India, USA, Brasil, Finland for making this congress such a unique experience! On behalf of Congress Organising Committee we at Learning Scoop would like to thank each and every one of you for participation, active contribution and great atmosphere during the INEPS Congress 2016…

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Study Visits – Bring on flexibility!

Flexibility is one of the core words of Finnish education. At the Study Visits during Bright Education for All INEPS Congress you will have great possibility to see what it means in practice. To ensure flexible start with formal learning, early childhood education, pre-primary and primary school, people need to work together like in Tampere…

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